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All membership options cover a one or two year term (depending on which you choose), do not renew automatically, and come due in July of your renewal year.
At the bottom of the payment page, please indicate in the "Special Instructions" box, whether your payment is for a membership (if not for yourself, list name, address and phone # of gift recipient), a donation, or for a fundraiser.
Select a green button below to pay by credit card.
(OR Click Here for a downloadable mail-in form)
SENIOR - $30 /yr
FRIEND - $100
PATRON - $150
HOUSEHOLD - $50/yr
SPONSOR - $250
PARTNER - $1,000
Membership Benefits:
--Opportunities to enter and sell your artwork in Member shows and the Gift Shop
--Discounted fees for entry into juried shows, classes and events
--Opportunities to participate in workshops and lectures by visiting artists
--Updates on all events and exhibits
--Opportunities to be featured on the MCAC Website
--Discounts on all purchases at MCAC.
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